Freitag, 24. September 2010

Every Girl wants to be a Princess

This tutorial was written by and copyrighted to Seven on 24th September 2010.

Some ppl asked me if there's a tut for my little tag but it wasn't until today! ;)

For this tutorial you will need:

- Chassity's PTU-kit My Doll kit
- 2 fonts of your choice (I used Kaileen and violation)

Let's begin:

- Open a new canvas 500 x 400 px ( you can crop it later).

- Choose white as your foreground colour and none as background colour.

- With your rectangle (stroke 5 or 6) draw out a rectangle in the middle of your canvas.
Change this layer into a raster lay.

- Use your magic wand and click inside of the rectangel.
Expand the selection about 3.

- Copy and paste a paper of your choice.

- Invert the selection and press delete button on your keyboard.
Selection none.

- Move this layer under your frame layer.

- Highlight your frame layer and add a small matching dropshadow.

- Highlight your paper layer

- Copy and paste the castle, sun and cloud over your paper layer and arrange them
(you will have to resize and maybe rotate them)
Dropshadow them slightly.

- Copy and paste the beads (element43), resize and dropshadow them.
Move this layer under the paper layer.

- Arrange your beads to the right lower edge.

- Duplicate this layer

- Mirror vertical
Mirror horizontal.

- Highlight your frame layer

- Copy and paste the beadstring (element44), resize and dropshadow it.
Arrange it to the right upper boarder of the frame.

- Duplicate this layer.

- Mirror vertical
Mirror horizontal

- Copy and paste one of the fairy princesses (element1 or element2), resize and dropshadow it.
Move it over your tag a little bit to the right side.

- Choose black as your background colour and your first font (Kaileen)
Add your text.
Change vector to raster layer and dropshadow it slightly.

- Highlight your paper layer.

- Choose white as your background colour and your second font (violation)
Type your name and change it to a raster layer.
Dropshadow it.

- Rotate this layer abot 90 degrees and arrange it in your tag.

- Resize/crop and add watermark/copyright sign and save as.


I hope you understand everything, It's a long time ago when I wrote a tutorial! *loool*


All tutorials are written by myself and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You are allowed to make tags, stats, layout what ever your want with them.
You are not allowed to make any monetary gain with them.
You are not allowed to hotlink.
I do not allow to translate it whithout my written permission!

It would be great if you mail me your results at

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