Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010

Don't feed

This tutorial was written by and copyrighted to Seven on 22th June 2010.

Some monthes a go I saw a taggie which looks nearly the same and I fell in love with it. *lol*
I asked the owner of it if there's a tut and she said no.
So I decided (and asked) if it's okay to made a tag (tut) which looks a bit like this but mostly with some of my ideas in it and I got the o.k. :)
Thank you so much Kathy!!! ♥

For this tutorial you will need:

- 2 small animal tubes (the ones I used are from the beautiful "Zoo Day" kit from Kristin Aagard)
- 2 fonts of your choice, a bigger one and a handwritten one (I used ToonRegular and DJBDiane)
- Mask of choice (I used WSL_Mask218 which you can get here)
- a pattern of your choice

Let's begin:

- Open a new canvas 500 x 350 px (if your name is longer you maybe have to use a larger width).

- Choose a darker colour for your foreground and a lighter colour for your background.

- Add a new raster layer and fill it with your lighter colour.
Apply your mask.

- Choose your text tool and your bigger font.
Font size 100 and stroke size 2.
Write your name and change the vector layer into a raster lay.

- Selection - All - Free and expand the selection about 3.

- Add a new raster layer and fill it with white.

- Selection none.

- Move the white layer under your name layer and add a dropshadow.

- Merge these 2 layers visible.

- Highlight your name and click with your magic wand inside of every letter which are in your lighter color.

- Add a new raster layer and fill it with your pattern.
Change it to soft light and reduce the opacity to 25

- Selection none.

- Merge these two layers visible.

- Copy and paste your tubes, resize them and arrange them on your tag.
Add a small dropshadow to them.

- Use your text tool again.
Change your background to your darker colour (no foreground colour).
Font size 20.

- Write your first part of the text and arrange it over your name.
Add a dropshadow.

- After this write your second part of the text and arrange it under your name.
Dropshadow it.

- Merge all visible.

- At least just add copyright info and/or watermark and save as.

Ready! ♥


All tutorials are written by myself and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You are allowed to make tags, stats, layout what ever your want with them.
You are not allowed to make any monetary gain with them.
You are not allowed to hotlink.
I do not allow to translate it whithout my written permission!

It would be great if you mail me your results at coroners.sun@gmail.com

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